Molecular Ecology & Statistical Bioinformatics

Page et al. 2018. Journal of College Science Teaching 47(5) 6-7. Figure 1. (A) Comparison of the square root curve (solid line) and a line with slope = 1 and y-intercept = 0 (dashed line). Intervals delimited by dashed gray lines correspond to bins on the untransformed scale that translate into standard 10-point F-A designations on the transformed scale. (B) The difference between transformed grades and untransformed grades (y-axis) versus untransformed grades (x-axis).

Cameron et al. 2017. PLoS One 12(10) e0186866. Figure 1. Range map, sampling localities, and color morphs of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander. (A) The geographic range (light-grey) of Plethodon cinereus and the focal region of the current study (black rectangle) (B) Location of the sampled localities. (C) The striped and unstriped color morphs.

Page et al. 2009. General & Comparative Endocrinology 162:219-232 Fig. 2. A graphical schematic of a four parameter (b0, b1, b2, and w) piecewise linear model for a hypothetical morphometric trait that is resorbed during metamorphosis. Following time w (the breakpoint; vertical dashed line), the slope (m) is zero indicating that the trait is no longer changing due to complete resorption.

Page et al. 2018. Journal of College Science Teaching 47(5) 6-7. Figure 1. (A) Comparison of the square root curve (solid line) and a line with slope = 1 and y-intercept = 0 (dashed line). Intervals delimited by dashed gray lines correspond to bins on the untransformed scale that translate into standard 10-point F-A designations on the transformed scale. (B) The difference between transformed grades and untransformed grades (y-axis) versus untransformed grades (x-axis).
We have two main areas of research. The first is the application of molecular genetic & computational approaches to problems in conservation biology. The second is the application of statistical and computational approaches to problems in evolutionary ecology and evolutionary genetics. We frequently use amphibians as models. However, working collaboratively, we have made contributions to studies on a variety animal taxa.
Robert has taught courses in general biology, genetics, evolution, and biostatistics. The Page Lab is particularly committed to helping students appreciate the importance of computationally intensive approaches to modern biology and is dedicated to providing hands-on research opportunities to students. Please contact Robert if you are interested!
We are always looking for opportunities to interact with the A&M-SA community, the larger scientific community, and the general public. If you are working on something that you feel Robert, or another affiliate of the Page Lab might be able to provide perspective on, don't hesitate to get in touch.
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